Wednesday, 18 February 2009

Red Nose Day 2009

I was watching the trailers for Red Nose Day the other day and began to reminisce the days when I was a Nursery Nurse and dressed in all sorts of interesting outfits and with the help of the children we raised money for Comic Relief. We would bake, paint and dress up , oh those were the days.
Now I am a self-employed one man band I thought dressing in my tutu to sit at the computer all day would just be a little sad ;(

So, I have decided to get out there and ‘do something fun’ for Comic Relief.

But… ….I need you!

I am having a zany photo shoot in the park. The shoot will cost £10.00 and last about 15 minutes. Images taken (about 4/6) will be put on a CD and posted out to you to do with what you will :)
The idea is to have fun - let the children choose their own outfits (!), come in their dressing up outfits, funky hats. Let your imagination go wild!
I will be in Moor Park, Preston from 11.00 am – 3.00am on Saturday 7th March. I will be based near the children’s play area near the bowling pavilion.
If you are planning to come it would be great if you could drop me a line to let me know or – join the Facebook Group
(click here)

All proceeds will go to Comic Relief.

So if you have any children, know any children, or are a child at heart come along and join the fun.

p.s I’ll be the one in the tutu!

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