Wednesday, 1 October 2008

Alex & Charlotte

I travelled to Suffolk last weekend for Alex & Charlotte's wedding at the magnificent Ickworth House. Ickworth is owned by the National Trust and weddings can be held in the West Wing.

The East Wing has been transformed into a luxurious hotel and that was where I met Charlotte for her getting ready photos.

What a truly beautiful & serene bride, the vintage theme of her head piece and dress suited her so well.

Mean while Alex was enjoying a bit to eat & a beer in the local with his best man & groomsmen.

The weather was absolutely perfect and after the ceremony in the Orangery the guests followed Alex & Charlotte out to the gardens for Pimms.

After their wedding breakfast Alex & Charlotte wowed their guests with a fabulous first dance and then danced into the night to ' The Swinging Little Big Band'

If you have the password please click here to view the rest of the images.

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