Friday, 15 February 2008

Walk to the Park

A family visit on Sunday resulted in a walk to the local park along the canal. I decided to take my camera as I don't often get the opportunity to photograph my neices when they visit. I got a couple of images of Ellie, Juliet (her leg warmers kept falling down!) and Daisy wrapped up warmly in her pram. I last blogged these three last April when Daisy was only a month old and now here she is nearly one - where does time go!

February Sunshine

Last weekend was great - glorious weather and a visit from a very dear friend Deborah who I've known since our childhood days. It's been a while since Debs came up to visit and thanks to the wonderful weather we had a lovely day Saturday.

We drove out to Whitewell and Dunsop Bridge in the Ribble Valley and went for a lovely walk, we even had the roof down on my car it was so sunny.

Dunsop Bridge is one of two main contenders for the geographical centre of Great Brtian. I recommend the drive out ther from Longridge and then continue onto the A6 from there - wonderful views!

For our supper we went to the Whelan's fish and chip restaurant in Lytham, recommended by Rick Stein and Gordan Ramsay - it was certainly tasty!

Thursday, 14 February 2008

wedding fayre's

I am going to be exhibiting at a number of wedding fayre's this year.

The first one is this Sunday 17th February at the De Vere Heron's Reach Hotel in Blackpool.

I will also be attending a wedding fayre at Wellington Park, Leyland on Sunday 16th March.

Both events run from 11.00am until 3.00pm.

If you are coming along to any of these events please do drop by the stand and say 'hi', I would love to meet you.

Tuesday, 5 February 2008

Simon & Natasha, 3rd February

I had the pleasure to photograph Simon & Natasha's wedding at Farington Lodge, Leyland on Sunday. The weather was a bit cold & blustery but we still managed to get a few shots of the bride and groom outside.

Here are a few images from the day. The images are now available to view online.